The Crafter in the Rafters

A collection of crafting ideas, projects, and how tos.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Unexpected

I had been waiting to update everyone on the lump situation until I had heard from my doctor. I went for a mammogram and ultrasound last week. The mammogram was perhaps the most unpleasant experience have ever had. Imagine having your most sensitive body part placed between two cold slabs and squeezed as hard as possible, while not screaming or breathing. I was convinced that the woman working with me was taking sadistic pleasure in the procedure, but that was probably just my imagination.

In any case, my doctor sent the results to me by letter yesterday. It turned out to be a very clinical, cold-sounding letter, obviously written by the technicians who read the tests. The good news is that the lump I felt is nothing. Unfortunately, they found something irregular in the other breast. It took my breath away for just a minute when I first read it. I wasn't expecting that. In fact, the thought had never even crossed my mind. But, there it was in black and white medical speak nonetheless.

So now, I'm going in for another round of tests. I'm no less scared than I was the first time around. In fact, I might even be more. It's one thing to find out on your own that there's something up. It's quite another to have it sprung on you. Here's to hoping that it's nothing.


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