Good Bye, Miss Kitty

She weedled her way into my heart from the moment I first saw her hiding in the back of her cage at the Anti-Cruelty Society. She was everything you could ask for in a furry companion and a few things you probably wouldn't want. But, she was never boring. She had personality, and she filled my life with companionship and happiness (also bite marks and scars).
My apartment feels empty now. Her toys have all been boxed up, and her tent put away. You wouldn't think that something so small could leave such a big hole, but she did. I miss her, the random showering episodes, her refusal to allow me to go to the bathroom alone, her greeting me at the door when I come home, her hogging the bed. I miss it all.

I will always remember her fondly. Eight years of constant companionship will not be forgotten. But, I think I'm ready to start thinking about getting another kitty. It won't happen right away. But sometime soon, a little fuzzy one will strike my fancy and I'll just have to bring him or her home with me.
In the meantime though, I hope my little queen is raising holy hell in heaven. That was, after all, what she was happiest doing, and she was definitely good at it!
Sorry to hear about Miss Kitty. Owning pets is a two-way street. On one hand, you have to accept that they come and go. On the other hand, they make such a big impact on your life. It is hard to lose a loved one, even if they only have a 9-19 year lifespan! The bright side is that you'll always remember her, and hopefully when you are ready another little cutie will be waiting for you somewhere. Take care!
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