Pass the Soap...Kitty?
I've heard that a cat's personality changes as she gets older, I've just never really noticed it that much. However, recent events in the celtickris household have alerted me to recent changes in my fuzzy companion. Victoria has always been curious and active. Bouncing off walls was her favorite past-time for quite a while. As was chasing bugs and mice. Don't get me wrong, she still does those things, she's just much more calculating about it. In other words, she's calming down in her old age (OK, she's only 7, but it's setting in I tell you). Lately however, she's found a new hobby...taking showers with me. This from the cat who until very recently detested running water, unless it was coming from the bathroom faucet in a light enough stream for her to drink from. One morning, I ran the water for my shower as usual and hopped in. As I was scrubbing yesterday's mousse out of my hair, I felt something brush up against my leg. I looked down to see two bright yellow eyes looking up at me. There she was sitting in her princess pose (butt down, front paws right next to each other directly in front of her back paws, tail wrapped all the way around) looking curiously back up at me. It didn't seem to phase her that she was sitting in a large puddle of water, or that her fur was getting wet from the stream of water from above. This from a cat who used to skitter out of a room the minute I'd reach for a water bottle to squirt her with. Competely confused and rather creeped out I might add, I finished my shower, with my fuzzy voyeur sitting patiently at my feet observing. I half expected her to ask for the shampoo or something. Don't ask why I didn't kick her out...I don't think well before noon most days and certainly not without coffee. Once we were out of the water, of course, I had to dry her off because there's nothing worse than a wet, furry animal roaming around your house, leaving little wet paw prints on everything. While I was rubbing her down with a towel, which she also used to hate, the screwball was actually purring. So very strange. You know, I'm all for togetherness with my cat, quiet cups of coffee in the rocking chair, snuggling up on the couch in front of the fireplace, even her poking at my nose so I'll pet her when I'm trying sleep, but showering?...that's just too much.